Your body's ability to heal is far greater than anyone has permitted you to believe.

There is no better example of the magical beauty that lies within us all - than BREASTFEEDING.

Take a close look...


A baby, that has developed inside the mothers body for 38 weeks, no help, naturally perfect.

Mum innately knows how to birth this precious baby, tapping in to to her primal, birthing power.

Then the mothers body shifts gear (with no help again) and starts to supply EVERYTHING that growing baby needs to survive and thrive. The miracle of breast milk.

The baby is born with an innate knowing of how to crawl up mums tummy to the breast.

Bubs' innate sucking reflex goes to work ensuring it gets the milk it needs.

Bubs knows that eye contact is vital for connection with mum and therefore vital to her survival.

Bubs grows with no help - the instruction manual is on the INSIDE.

The true miracle of life.

As the quote says - "Nature needs no help, it just needs no interference."

It is so obvious that from VERY early on in the western world, there are so many ways that people interfere with the natural perfection of life.

Whether its chemically, physically or emotionally. From toxins, poor diet choices, medications, stress, , lack of movement, interventions and so on.

Here's my challenge to you...

If you truly believed your body could heal, grow, repair and thrive - what choices would you make? Would you reach for the panadol OR find out the cause of your pain? Would you suppress your emotions OR explore them deeply? Would you suppress the fever OR let it bring about healing?

These are the important questions that will largely determine how healthy you become over the next 12 moths.

Choose wisely.

As Bruce Lipton states - "Your body's ability to heal is far greater than anyone has permitted you to believe."

We're Back To Normal

We're back!!

I am so pleased to announce that as of today (Monday 19th) we are open as usual.

There's been times when I didn't think I'd be saying that but here it is! Let's clear it up.

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✅ Anyone can have Chiropractic care from today.

✅ There are no restrictions on why you can come in. Maintenance, prevention, checkups, tunes ups - all allowed.

✅ You can travel from ANYWHERE to have Chiropractic care.

✅You can book online at

✅ Ooooooooh it feels good to be back!

See you soon.


Corona, AFL and The Government's Biggest Mistake

Hi, Tony here, Auburn South Chiropractic and this is a Corona update for you.

Firstly, how are you going - stage four? It's not easy is it?

I've been up and down myself trying to keep myself busy, trying to keep myself distracted in a lot of ways because I can't be at the practice as often. Although I am here Tuesday and Thursday mornings to help you. If you have got any urgent needs, please give me a call or you can book in online. Don't forget that, but also touch on an issue that I see being one of the biggest problems with what's happening out in the community and from the response and from our government, et cetera.

I've been watching more football,AFL than I normally would just because I've got more time. And you know - what an amazing game where we have these athletes, we have these teams that come together. 

We have people who are specialists in the forward line and kicking goals. We have people who are specialists in preventing goals - The back line. We have these midfielders that can run and carry the ball and be the transition.

And it really got me thinking about this response to the Corona virus and our government, our health department, the minister for health, the chief medical officer, they've been putting their hands up to give us some, some solutions in their mind. And what I've noticed is there's some great solutions being put forward as some great directives, but they're all coming from, if I can use the AFL analogy, they're all coming from a back line defence strategy. What the government's decided to do is - we're going to stack the back line full of every great player. What in the alternative would have been the flood, all our midfielders they've gone back down into defense to try and stop the opposition, scoring a goal. And while that can be a great strategy to stop goals being scored, it's a really lousy strategy to score goals yourself, because what ends up happening is the ball gets stuck in the back line. That team gets possession and there's no one up forward to kick it to. And so it's a strategy that ends up being no goals being scored or very low number of goals being scored. And this seems to be this strategy with which the government's come to.

Now look, I'm all for defenses. I'm all for saying, you know what it makes sense to wash your hands. It makes sense to have a good set of hygiene. It makes sense to not sneeze in someone's face and make them, you know, that's common sense. We need a defense, we need a backline, but we also need a forward line in order to kick goals.

Why is our health department not giving health strategies? Why are they not coming out and saying, “you know what? This is a pretty tricky time for us. It's probably now that we should be looking after our health. It's probably now that we should lose those kilos. It's probably now that going for a walk in the sunshine is probably more important now than ever to make sure your body's working well to make sure your immune system is on fire. You know what? It's probably a good idea to go and check in with your naturopath to make sure that your all your levels are right. That you're not deficient in something. It's probably time to go and see your chiropractor to make sure everything's lined and aligned and tuned up so that your body is strong and resilient.”

”You know what? It's probably a time where sleep is super important. So look, let's make sure we're getting adequate sleep. Now, what's really important for keeping our bodies healthy is hydration. You know what? This is probably a time where we should be hydrating more, more, more, let's get that water into us. The research is very clear that the more we move, the healthier we are. In fact, it shows the research shows that the more we sit, the shorter our lifespan. And so wouldn't it be great. We get the particularly the aging population - We should get them up and moving. That's probably more important than ever. Let's get some more movement into our daily, but what are we hearing? Nothing.

We're trying to play an AFL game here, guys, with no forward line. How do you reckon it's going to go? -pretty lousy.

So my contention, and if I was the chief health officer or a health minister, if that's what you want to call it, that'd be my directive. My directive would be to say, look, there's people that are vulnerable. Let's make sure our defenses are super strong. Then the rest of the population let's look at how we can score some goals. How do we get healthier? How do we use this time in a productive way to get healthier and happier?

Anyway, that's my rant. So if we think about our AFL team, making sure that we've got a good distribution of players across that ground, what are you doing defensively and what are you doing offensively that's going to get you through this period unscathed, and in fact, healthier than you were before.

Some food for thought. Anyway, if you need some help, please reach out.

Give me a call. Get in touch on the socials. I'm here to help.

Be Well.

Hawthorn Chiropractor Stage 4 Lockdown

Stage 4 Lockdown

Appointments Available Tuesday and Thursday 8am-10am.

Hi, Tony here. Firstly, how are you? How are you coping with stage 4 lockdown? I know that for me, it was a bit of a shock. I had a few days where I was upset, frustrated, sad.

A couple of big reasons. One was that I couldn't be at the office. I was told to basically shut down. And so I couldn't be there for you guys to help you out. And secondly, from a business point of view, obviously being told to shut your business is a massive thing - for those of you that run your own business, you'll totally understand.

I put an email out just last week outlining that there are pretty strict rules on how I can see you. I took a very conservative view of that. One of the frustrations for me, if I can paint this picture is, for over 20 years, I've been telling the story that we should not just look at a look at a smoke alarm and think we can just take the battery out of the alarm and therefore the noise stops and everything's good. I've been teaching people about health and that it's way more than just the alarm going off. That we should actually, yes, let's get the noise under control from the alarm, but let's look for where the fire is and actually get to the cause - the root of the problem.

Stage four has come along and basically it says that we're going to have to change tack. We're going to have to go to fire alarms only. As wrong as I think that is from a health overall health point of view, it's just what we have to do.

So I just want to make sure that you understand that I am here for you. If you do have your alarm going off, if your body is saying, I need some urgent help, then please reach out.

I'm going to be at the office on a Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8am till 10am to be there for you - If you do have any urgent health needs.

I do have to triage the appointments, which means I'm going to ask you questions as to whether it is urgent and whether you feel that without coming in to see me, that you would have a significant decline in your health status, meaning that if you didn't come and see me, that you would have to go elsewhere for attention. And of course we don't want that. We don't want to be clogging up the health system. Well, what I would call the "sick" system, hospitals, GP’s, et cetera. So we're gonna help you out.

Please reach out with anything, with any questions. I'd love to know how you're doing. I'd love to know how you're going,

I'm going to open up the appoint appointment, the book online for those hours. If you need to see me outside those hours, then please reach out, but just know that I'll be there between 8 and 10 on a Tuesday and a Thursday morning to help you with your urgent health needs.

Online appointment can be made here:

Walk tall, smile lots!

Dr Tony Rose

Auburn South Chiropractic

18 Bills St Hawthorn

(03) 7005 7672

Health - Is maintenance important? Your Hawthorn Chiropractor

Which needs water - green grass or brown grass?

Both - obviously. One to get HEALTHY and the other to STAY healthy.

The same is true of our health -

what are you doing today, this week to maintain great levels of health?

Walk tall, smile lots!

Dr Tony Rose

Chiropractic and Pregnancy - 5 Benefits. Your Hawthorn Chiropractor

5 Benefits of Chiropractic care during Pregnancy ...🤰⁣

1. Reduced labour time.

Research suggests that women under Chiropractic during pregnancy experienced up to 33% less labour time. Wow. 🙌⁣

2. Decreased pain.

Back pain during pregnancy can be anything from a slight niggle to full blown debilitating pain. Chiropractic can help.😀⁣

3. Feeling Connected

Is there ever a more important time to feel connected to your body? Staying in good alignment is imperative for staying connected. 🙏⁣

4. Optimal pelvic symmetry.

Obviously, having a pelvis well aligned will affect the area of the pelvis for bubs to grow and descend into. Keep your pelvis healthy.🤱⁣

5. Optimal foetal positioning.

A baby that is comfortable in the uterus is more likely to adopt an ideal position for healthy growth and healthy delivery. Having a healthy spine and pelvis contributes to muscles and ligaments holding firm and supportive, not tight and restrictive. 👼⁣
A belly pillow helps mums lay on their tummy (see arrow) to get checked and bubs has room inside the pillow (like a donut ring) to fall into. Safe and gentle.

Dr Tony - Your Hawthorn Chiropractor.

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5 Dangerous words

I was reminded last week of 5 dangerous words when it comes to our health... "It might just go away"

Thinking that our health will improve by doing the same things that created the health problem, is crazy at best, and dangerous at worst. It may lead to more advanced problems in the future.

Ever week I hear of people wishing they got on to the problem earlier. Let's not let our small weaknesses become big ones. Let's keep "tuned up" with regular Chiropractic adjustments.

See you soon.

Walk tall, smile lots!

Dr Tony Rose - Your local Hawthorn Chiropractor

"You'll have to just live with it." - What a load of S#@T

One of the biggest lies that people are being told is that “they’ll just have to live with it.”

Far too often I am told by a New Patient that they’ve been told by another health professional that they’ll have to live with the problem or the pain.

This is often a load of BS.

I wish health practitioners (as well meaning as they might be) would just be HONEST with their patients. When a practitioner doesn’t have any more options for them, they should be honest and say…”I dont have any more options for you, I’m not sure what’s going on, maybe you should try a different approach.”

What’s the harm in that?

Last week I had a wonderful chat with a Medical Sports Physician about a patient that wasn’t responding the way I thought they should. She went for a different opinion and some further tests and wow - she found the answers and started on the necessary care she needs to recover. Wonderful news. A great result for all concerned. Why wouldn’t we want the best results for our patients?!?!

There’s 2 things happening as I see it….

  1. The ego of the practitioner - not wanting to be seen as “not knowing”. Unwilling to say “I don’t know” AND

  2. An unwillingness of the patient to explore other alternatives. People have become passive victims in their own healthcare. This is very sad.

Time after time I hear... “I wish I had or known about Chiropractic earlier.” “I can’t believe I lived with this for so long.”

Sometimes to get a different result, we need to do something different.

If you’ve been stuck on the medical merry-go-round and are wanting a different approach, I’d love to help. You can give me a call on (03)7005 7672 or send an email to or book an appointment at

Walk tall, smile lots!

Dr Tony - Your local Hawthorn Chiropractor

MYTH: “Once You Start Going to a Chiropractor, You Must Keep Going!” The Research Says...

This paper discusses the significance of the 2011 study published in the Spine Journal called “Does Maintained Spinal Manipulation Therapy for Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain Result in Better Long-Term Outcome?”

There is a popular myth about chiropractic care that has deterred some people from ever visiting a Chiropractor. The saying goes like this: “Once you start going to a chiropractor, you must keep going.”

Every person currently has a choice regarding their health and the healthcare they choose to utilize. Choosing chiropractic care for a short or long-term is also the choice of the individual.
Yet like eating well, exercising, taking vitamins or meditating, many healthy lifestyle choices deliver the greatest results when implemented regularly and frequently over time. It turns out that chiropractic care is no different. The choice to choose on-going care relies more on the results and desired outcomes than a necessity. This study evaluated the effectiveness of on-going chiropractic care compared to short term care and sham adjustments.

  • Spinal adjustive care is a common treatment option for Low Back Pain. Numerous clinical trials have attempted to evaluate its effectiveness for different subgroups of acute and chronic LBP but the efficacy of maintenance SMT in chronic nonspecific LBP has not been studied.

  • This study seeks to evaluate the benefit of maintenance chiropractic care for 3 groups of patients with low back pain.

  • 60 patients, with chronic, nonspecific LBP lasting at least 6 months, were randomized in this study.

  • Group one received 12 treatments of sham spinal adjustments over a 1-month period.

  • Group two received 12 treatments of chiropractic adjustments over a 1-month period, but no treatments for the

    subsequent 9 months.

  • Group 3 received 12 treatments over a 1-month period, along with "maintenance spinal manipulation" every 2 weeks for

    the following 9 months.

  • To determine any difference among therapies, the researchers measured pain and disability scores, generic health status,

    and back-specific patient satisfaction at baseline and at 1-, 4-, 7-, and 10-month intervals.

  • The results were compelling. Patients in the second and third groups experienced significantly lower pain and disability

    scores than the first group at the end of 1-month period.

  • Only the third group that was given spinal adjustments during the follow-up period showed more improvement in pain

    and disability scores at the 10-month evaluation.

  • In the non-maintained spinal adjustment group, the mean pain and disability scores returned back near their

    pretreatment level.

  • The conclusion is that spinal adjustive care is effective for the treatment of chronic nonspecific LBP. To obtain long-term

    benefit, this study suggests maintenance adjustments after the initial intensive adjustment care plan.

    Results showed what most Chiropractors see on a regular basis. Those who received on-going adjustments every two weeks achieved the highest level of function, comfort, mobility and quality of life. The group who received initial results with real adjustments, but had no on-going care slid back into their pre-treatment status. They not only failed to improve they had lost the improvements achieved in their first month of care. This is exactly why regular consistent on-going care is so beneficial. Chiropractic patients do not have to keep going once they start, but as they experience greater levels of health and function, regular adjustments become the most logical and beneficial choice.

Walk tall, smile lots!

Dr Tony - Your local Hawthorn Chiropractor

Healthy Movements - are you doing these exercises?

Fundamental, Necessary, Key, Imperative, Crucial. These are all synonyms of Vital. Meaning - bloody important and without it everything is lost / changed.

Movement is vital for life.

Healthy movement is vital for a healthy life.

OK, have I said that clear enough?

Without movement, we do not function well, until we no longer function at all.

Have you ever broken your arm (I have - twice) and then been in a cast that prevents movement of your wrist or elbow? You’ll quickly experience what a lack of movement does for a joint - NOT GOOD. Stiff, sore.

Take this example and think of the hundreds of joints in the human body, from big ones like the hip and shoulder to the small ones (and more important ones) in the spine.

Every joint, to stay healthy needs to move in a regular and healthy way - through its full range of motion, often.

Because of this I have constructed a series of daily movements to have you moving better, felling better and looking after the joints in your body for life. A healthy life. Get moving.

Click here to see the movements.

Dr Tony - Your local Hawthorn Chiropractor

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