healthy movements



Healthy movement patterns are becoming more and more important as we sit for longer and live in a more sedentary style. People that age gracefully have great movement patterns. Complex movements? NO. Simple, functional movements that if we keep doing, we dont lose.

I have put together a series of videos showing the most important movements to do on a daily basis if you want to be moving freely, feeling strong and supple.

Enjoy - let me know how you go.

Walk tall, smile lots!

Dr Tony Rose

Movement 1:

On you knees.

Healthy knees and ankles are dependant on them moving through their full range of motion. Being able to take our weight the knees is a great way of keeping the range of motion healthy. Work on it every day to build up in time.

Enjoy - let me know how you go.

Walk tall, smile lots!

Dr Tony Rose

Auburn South Chiropractic

18 Bills St Hawthorn (03) 7005 7672

movement 2:

On your knees, again. Healthy knees and ankles are dependant on them moving through their full range of motion.

Try this variation. Tucking the toes under and feel the stretch.

Work on it every day to build up in time.

Enjoy - let me know how you go.

Walk tall, smile lots!

Dr Tony Rose

Movement 3:

Child’s Pose

This one here is for the shoulders, mid back, and lower back and its great for calming us down.  A great stress relief.  This is called Extended Child's Pose. 

Our toes come together, our knees are apart, our arms reach forward and then we want to sit your pelvis back on to your ankles as far as you can...reaching forward, sink the shoulders down. Great stretch. 

Great mobility - ankles, knees, hips, low back, mid back, shoulders. 

Beautiful one for the whole body - give it a go, Let me know how you go.

Dr Tony.

Movement number 4:

Hip Flexor Stretch

A great stretch that opens the hips, gives more flexibility for the low back, saving you from low back stiffness and low back pain.

This one should be done multiple times every day especially if you're spending time at a desk or sitting for long periods.

Enjoy - let me know how you go.

Walk tall, smile lots!

Dr Tony

Movement number 5

Spinal Twist

Let's add in a stretch. This is great for stretching into the low back and hips.

Don't force this one too much.

Start gently as with all of the movements.

Let me know how you go.

Movement number. 6

This is one of my favourite stretched for the hips. A lot of us hold massive amounts of tension in our hips, AND they dont get stretched enough.

Sitting for too many hours is a huge contributor to hip and low back problems.

This stretch can really help.