0413 803 403 hello@aschiro.com

Let Me Help You Get Well And Stay Well

Your Hawthorn Chiropractor – Do You Need Help?…

Do you want greater levels of health?

Are you struggling to put your shoes on in the morning?

Having trouble running the 4km you’d love to run?

Would you like some more ease of movement?

I’d love to help you. 

Back Pain

Is your back pain getting you down? Are you having trouble with movement and flexibility? We have helped thousands of patients with back pain – getting them back to doing all the things they want to be doing.


Headaches are among the most common reason for someone to see a Chiropractor. For a large percentage of cases, the headache is coming from tension and misalignment in the neck. If you’d like to know if we can help you with your headaches, please make a time for a thorough assessment.

Neck Pain

Does your neck give you grief when you wake in the morning? Does it get stiff and sore staring at the computer screen? Chances are you’ve got a problem in the neck where the vertebrae are not moving correctly and as a result – tension builds up and causes you pain. We can help.

Pregnancy Care

Pregnancy is an exciting  time, but it can also be a stressful and sometimes painful time. Chiropractic can help during pregnancy for back pain, alignment, posture, optimal positioning, help with labour time and lots more…


I take posture seriously. Research shows that poor posture can lead to significant health problems such has breathing trouble, pain, mobility issues, even shortening your life span. 

Pediatric Care

All too often I see adults with problems that started in childhood. Falls, slips, injuries and poor posture all occur in childhood. We know the saying – “As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.”

My Mission Is to Show You How To Get Well And Stay Well For Life.

Health care can be confusing. There are so many options in front of us that it gets overwhelming. As your Hawthorn Chiropractor, we keep it simple. A body that is in good alignment, that is strong and moves well, is way healthier. If you’d like to move better and feel better – make a time for a check up today.

Click here to read more.




Experienced Chiropractor

Dr Tony Rose has over 22 years experience as a Chiropractor – having looked after thousands of people of all ages.


Online Bookings

An easy process of booking your appointment online through our booking link. CLICK HERE to make an appointment


Convenient Location

Right on  Auburn Road, inside Kula Yoga, there is plenty of parking right out the front. 1/259A Auburn Rd Hawthorn. 


Latest Blogs…

Core Strength Workout

Core Strength Workout

https://youtu.be/NUStfISma6Y Welcome everyone to this edition of our interview series with wonderful health practitioners from the local Boroondara area. And today I've got Cordy here because Cordy is a personal trainer. She loves getting people strong and fit and...

The number 1 factor in health.

The number 1 factor in health.

https://youtu.be/RBXmGvyUgc8 Dr Tony Rose - your Hawthorn Chiropractor - I'm going to reveal what I believe to be the number one factor in whether you are going to be healthy or not. Before I get into that, let me run you through a scenario. If I left you with a...

Crossfit – should you try it? Hawthorn Chiropractor Dr Tony Rose finds out.

Crossfit – should you try it? Hawthorn Chiropractor Dr Tony Rose finds out.

Hi, Tony here from Auburn, South Chiropractic. Is it time to get a little bit fitter? or maybe drop some kilos? Get a little bit stronger? Well, I met up with coach Nat from CrossFit Hawthorn East to ask all things weight training, CrossFit. Who’s CrossFit for? Who’s it not for? What do you do at CrossFit? All of these questions are answered, so let’s not muck around, come and check out the interview I did with Nat from CrossFit Hawthorn, East.

“We live in such an artificial world – we don’t eat naturally, move naturally or even think naturally – we are constantly being bombarded with life’s stresses and often left overwhelmed. This why I love being a Chiropractor, to unwind the stress patterns, promote healing and address the underlying cause to people’s health concerns.”

Dr Tony Rose


Better Health Care is Our Mission

0413 803 403


1/259A Auburn Rd Hawthorn 3122